

Case Study: KnowBe4 + Springthrough

KnowBe4 is a leading phishing prevention company who was tasked with testing and training employees on Cybersecurity from some of Springthrough’s partners. We worked with KnowBe4 to send a fake email asking employees to verify their log in and passwords.  We sent the email out to all employees and tracked who clicked on the malicious link. Together, we gathered the click-through data, shared it with our client’s management team, and set up a training schedule for all employees with the goal of making them aware of suspicious emails so they will be better prepared in case an actual phishing attempt occurs.

Because of our success with KnowBe4 and to help combat the ongoing problem of phishing that our clients experience, Springthrough is continuing to partner with KnowBe4 to provide comprehensive security awareness training to our clients. In addition to security training, we are continuing to send out simulated phishing tests to practice the skills learned during the training and identify areas of weakness within the organization. Employees are the last line of defense for keeping an organization secure. Springthrough prioritizes defending our organization and our partners against cybercrime emphasizing the motto, “security is everyone’s job”.

Cybercrime Information

User error is the most common way hackers gain access into networks. Weak passwords or staff that haven’t been trained properly are the biggest threat a company has to its cyber security. For example, Phishing is a type of cybercrime that occurs when hackers try to gain access to sensitive information such as usernames and passwords. They pretend to be a person or organization the employee trusts. To avoid being caught by spam filters, hackers typically send phishing emails in bulk to a variety of people and organizations.  

Cybercrime is evolving constantly, and hackers are getting better at tricking people into clicking on fraudulent links or opening malicious attachments in emails. Phishing attacks can even be sent to your personal email. Being aware of these cyber threats and proactively working to prevent attacks is important for all organizations.